disease states

ECI’s proprietary formulation is designed to provide accelerated healing of surface wounds on eyes, skin, and mucosal membranes. These products are uniquely powered by growth factors and proteins extracted from human platelet-rich plasma for healing, and hyaluronic acid (HA) or chitosan. The addition of HA or chitosan enables the serum to remain in contact with an injury site for a longer period of time and potentiates the healing process.

The powerful combination of these two components enables a new therapy to provide relief and long-lasting therapeutic action.

initial applications: 

Our initial products will focus on neurotrophic keratopathy (NK) & dry eye disease (DED). 

NK is a rare disease with approximately 5 cases per 10,000 individuals in the United States. 

There are 22 million dry eye patients in the United States and of those, only 8 million are treated with 25% reporting satisfaction with their treatment. There is a need for more effective treatments with fewer side effects.

future applications: 

Patients who experience conditions beyond NK and dry eye disease, such as wounds, burns, ulcers, and chronic mucosal membrane dryness may benefit from this fusion of plasma-derived growth factors and hyaluronic acid or chitosan as a forward-thinking and potent strategy to potentially address these conditions. Visit our pipeline to see what else ECI has in store!

key therapeutic focus areas



ophthalmic surface diseases:

    • neurotrophic keratopathy
    • moderate/severe dry eye
    • persistent epithelial defects
    • sjögren’s syndrome
    • stevens-johnson syndrome

corneal abrasions

ophthalmic burns



epithelial diseases:

    • ulcers & bedsores
    • burns
    • wounds
icon for mucosal membranes healing


mucosal membrane disorders:

    • oral dryness (dry mouth)
    • vaginal dryness

learn more about:

our products

Our therapeutic formulation is suitable for a variety of products, including liquid eye drops, gels, ointments, contact lenses, contoured bandages, and wound dressings. Initially, ECI is pursuing ophthalmic indications for neurotrophic keratopathy (NK) and dry eye disease (DED).

ECI’s pipeline includes indications for ophthalmic burns, epithelial defects, endothelial diseases, limb stem cell deficiency, ocular graft-versus-host disease (GvHD), corneal abrasions, and chronic wounds.

human plasma

Platelet-rich plasma is high in growth factors and proteins. These components are known to promote cell proliferation, tissue regeneration, and repair, making them beneficial for mucosal health. Additionally, plasma’s inherent composition naturally hydrates dry mucosal membranes.

our platform

Our platform leverages growth factors derived from donated human platelet-rich plasma and proprietary hyaluronic acid (HA) or chitosan. The tissue-repairing benefits of plasma-derived products, combined with the sustained action and impact of HA or chitosan, may provide relief and long-lasting therapeutic action.